Osteopathic-Based Advanced Bodywork


Visceral treatments are very gentle hands-on techniques that assess the relationship between the body’s organs (‘dense’ structures: liver, kidney, spleen, heart, pancreas) and viscera (‘empty’ structures: stomach, bladder, intestines, uterus, prostate) and others structures, like muscles, fascia, ligaments and joints.

The organs and viscera in our body have a certain range of movement (ROM) that is normal, just like our joints. They need to move within a normal range so we can healthfully function. The movement of organs and viscera can become restricted by traumatic injury, surgical scars, adhesions, infection, illness, or even poor or repetitious postures. A restriction creates an area of fixation preventing the “gliding and sliding” action required of the organ amidst surrounding structures within the body.

Our body learns to adapt and accommodate these fixations and over time this repeated movement leads to chronic irritation and inflammation causing musculoskeletal, neural or visceral dysfunction. Quantum Osteopathy will assess these important and often overlooked structures to determine if treatment is required. Each component is addressed separately and then in harmony with the whole body.

Some conditions visceral/organ treatments address:

  • post-surgical abdominal scars
  • adhesions: endometriosis, surgeries, etc.
  • congested or slow functioning liver
  • stomach problems: hiatal hernia, GERD, esophageal constrictions
  • intestinal problems: IBS, constipation
  • urogenital problems
  • shoulder problems that come from restrictions in the thorax
  • hip problems that come from restrictions in the thorax
  • diaphragmatic restrictions in breathing and movement